Xplor 2025

October 27 to 30


Register for the event

Together at Le Westin Montréal

Getting there


At Xplor, let’s form the perfect equation


Together, we can multiply the new insights and cutting-edge technologies to discover.


Together we can multiply our business relationships and investment opportunities.


Together we can grow our mineral exploration capacity exponentially.

Xplor thank you

Xplor 2024

Olivier Grondin invites you to Xplor 2024

What is Xplor?

Trade show

An eXtraordinary eXperience
Xplor brings nearly 75 exhibitors and a host of professionals from the mineral industry together to discuss the latest trends and discover new, innovative solutions.



Networking opportunities

MaXimize your opportunities now
Xplor attracts nearly 1000 participants every year—key players in the Quebec mining industry eager to discuss the challenges facing the sector and build lasting relationships with their peers.



Social activities

An eXciting opportunity
Xplor’s social activities, such as the Recognition Awards Gala, have contributed to the success of the past 12 editions. The gala is a special event that highlights and honours the enthusiasm and entrepreneurship of players in Quebec’s mineral exploration industry.


Submit a nomination



Conferences and training workshops

eXploring the future of the industry
Xplor is conferences and workshops on distinct and technical subjects, given by renowned speakers who are eager to share their knowledge with their peers and help drive the industry forward.


See the program


Xplor participants eXpress their enthusiasm

« Xplor is an event I look forward to every year that offers exceptional networking opportunities. »

Olivier Grondin, Agnico Eagle

« With so many players coming together, Xplor gives us a way to keep abreast of Quebec’s mining industry and share our expertise at enriching conferences. »

Benoit Lafrance, Consorem

« Year after year, Xplor gives us the chance to meet customers and grow our network of contacts beyond Quebec’s borders. »

Carl Pelletier, InnovExplo

« I always look forward to Xplor. It’s a great place to connect with people from the industry, meet new contacts, create business opportunities, and make deals. »

Richard Cadieux, T.I.M.E. Ltd.

« Xplor allows us to make a name for ourselves and stay top-of-mind for industry players. It’s also an amazing showcase for our latest products and innovations. »

Vincent Boileau, AVD Drills

« Xplor offers a unique and rewarding opportunity to meet people who are passionate about mineral exploration in Quebec and witness the emergence of creative projects and ideas. »

Geneviève Tétreault, Agnico Eagle, Wasamac mining project

Together at Le Westin Montréal

270 Rue Saint-Antoine O, Montréal, QC H2Y 0A3

Getting there